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Welcome to my new blog

Welcome to my blog, a digital sanctuary where I open the doors to my captivating stories and personal experiences. Instead of confining my tales within the pages of a book, I've chosen the boundless realm of blogging to connect with a wider audience and break free from the constraints of traditional publishers.

Join me on a thrilling journey into the extraordinary world of the Munroe family—a truly iconic Australian clan with a name that echoes through the ages. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride as we delve into their mischievous escapades, occasional flirtations with the law, and the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped their courageous and incredible lives.

Prepare to be transported back in time as we embark on a voyage spanning over a century. We'll navigate through the annals of history, exploring the captivating stories of my grandparents and unearthing the roots that anchor the Munroe legacy.

From there, we'll journey forward, weaving through the narrative threads of my parents' lives, until we find ourselves firmly planted in the present day.

This blog is more than just a recollection of the past; it's a symphony where history and the present harmonise, resonating together in perfect synchrony. I'll regale you with tales that seamlessly blend the yesteryears and today, offering a unique and immersive experience that will leave you entertained and enlightened.

But this isn't just my story—it's our story. Together, we'll embark on a shared adventure filled with laughter, empathy, and inspiration. Let the virtual pages of this blog become a canvas for conversation, where your voice is welcomed, cherished, and celebrated.


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Friday 13th September

I have decided that in order to have some regularity with writing my blog I must get something done by writing a daily diary approach. ...


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