On the Munroe side my Grandfather's (interesting) name was Ethelbert Currie Munroe or Bert born 1887, he lived a relatively short life passing away at age 53 on 2.04.1940. His wife Amy Priscilla Valentine Alexander born 14.02.1942 (not exactly sure on the year) and lived to about 1970.
Bert suffered asthma attacks from 44 years of age after having all his teeth pulled out! (Sadly, the same thing repeated itself when my father, Alex Munroe was 14yo). They moved to Warburton Victoria as they thought fresh air would be good for them. His asthma was treated with self administered adrenaline needles which resulted in having many holes to his stomach and arms. He only worked 20 years during his lifetime due to the illness.
Bert gambled all his money away and started earning it all back by becoming a SP bookmaker. Just as things were looking good he developed asthma. Hence his early departure from this world.
Amy Munroe, my dear Grandmother, had little to do with her grandchildren, sadly. She was flat footed and had problems walking. I inherited her flat feet! Both my parents were raised in Melbourne Victoria and they started their family there. I was three years old when we moved to Western Australia, (W.A) The trip between Melbourne and Perth was greater during the 50's and 60's due to unsealed roads. I remember when Amy visited us with Aunt Olive in about 1966 when we were living in the country town of Goomalling W.A. The visit was clouded for me by my mother's criticism of why they only gave us $2 each which she thought was a paltry amount. I guess my parents bankruptcy at the time added fuel to the fire. Times had been very hard for this young family of six.