I have decided that in order to have some regularity with writing my blog I must get something done by writing a daily diary approach. Delving into the Munroe’s past, though it will be entertaining, has some very unpleasant memories for me that I can’t handle right now. Eventually it will be a catharsis,however, it has occurred to me that I may need help to continue with it. So, dear readers, you’ll have to forgive me while I take more time to finish the Munroe story.
Diary for today:-
This year has been a positive change. Thank God for that! What seemed like an insurmountable hurdle in overcoming serious negative traits have finally, after 45 years, been conquered. With family support, a terrific counsellor and my Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda the finish line has been reached. A frog’s tale written by my Guru illustrates this point;
Two frogs were stuck in a pale of milk and could not get out. After much paddling the larger frog decided it was no use trying anymore so he gave up and drowned. The little frog kept paddling with more determination saying to himself, “just keep trying a little harder and you can get out of here”. After a while longer he felt something hard under his feet which he used to jump out of the pale of milk. Unbeknownst to him, he had churned the milk into butter. Exhausted and happy, the little frog hopped away, with his newfound freedom.
The increased efforts to meditate more, introspect every evening, keep a journal and read at least two pages of the SRF (Self-Realization Fellowship), lessons daily has paid off. I feel more harmony than I have ever done before , more peace and happiness. The roadmap to navigate through the journey of my life I am finally putting into practice. Pity I couldn’t have done it much sooner…..